Appointments must be made by calling 01633 258545 or 01633 258564. Routine appointments may be made in advance (up to a maximum one month) which will enable us to offer you an appointment at a time more suitable to your requirements. If you cannot keep an appointment, please inform us as soon as possible as this will assist in oversubscribed situations.
All requests for an appointment will be Care Navigated in line with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board policy, which may mean you are directed to a better, more timely option for care such as a chemist, physiotherapist, dentist or optician.
Morning appointments are booked on the day, the lines open at 7.45am
Every effort is made to book patients with the GP of their choice to comply with continuity of care.
Afternoon appointments can be pre-booked up to one month in advance.
You may also book a non-urgent appointment by using the surgery email, you will receive reply within 48 hrs.
When booking an appointment the Receptionist will ask you for brief details of the reason for the appointment. This is to direct you to the most appropriate clinician which may not be the Doctor.
Once all the appointments AM are booked, patients may request an emergency appointment for urgent matters that cannot wait.