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Emergency Appointments

Emergency Appointments.                                            

When all morning appointments are booked you will be asked if your reason for the appointment is urgent and cannot wait until the following day. It is important that whenever possible that the patient telephones themselves so that accurate details can be taken.

If you feel that an emergency appointment is needed the receptionist will take your details for the Triage List for the Duty Clinician. Your symptoms will be noted and a Clinician will telephone you with an approximate appointment time or will offer advice. Please ensure that you are available when you are contacted by phone.

Emergency appointment times given are approximate and you must be prepared to wait unless symptoms dictate otherwise. Please be aware that you may be asked to attend the surgery, you should be able to do this if requested.

Afternoon emergency appointments are available for patients with a sudden onset of symptoms or if initial symptoms have worsened throughout the day.

Please make every effort to contact the surgery in the morning for a same day appointment